DMCA Policy

We have created the DMCA resource page so that intellectual property rights owners or an authorised representative can contact us if they feel there is a breach of the DMCA act on our website.

It is in our interest to ensure that infringing content is removed from our site, as it is illegal, and may erode the trust of our content writers and readers.


You agree that by providing us with a DMCA policy request, you swear under penalty of perjury that you have reasonable good faith to belief that use of the material you have provided, is in breach of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act under U.S. copyright law. Also be aware that you will be liable for all damages, costs both personal and legal if you provide false information about this request. We are not lawyers - we suggest you seek legal counsel before completing this request.

Getting started

To report alleged copyright infringements via a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notification, send the information below to us by providing ALL of the following information:

  • Identification or description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed.
  • Identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on our site, with enough detail that we may find it (It is best to provide the exact url/s).
  • Where was it copied from? (Provide the exact url/s or location/s and provide digital proof).
  • A legal statement, statuary declaration or equivalent in your country, signed by you stating the following:
    • You in good-faith belief that the use of the allegedly infringing material is in breach of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act under U.S. copyright law.
    • You agree under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the intellectual property rights owner or are an authorised representative of the right full owner.
    • You accept and will be liable for all damages to us or respective copyright owner for all costs both personal and legal if you provide false information about this request.
    • Your living address, telephone number (with country code), and email address.
    • Photographic evidence of your identity such as a driver's license or other government-issued identification with a signature that matches your legal statement and living address provided.

Contact us

You can send your information to us by visiting
Title your email DMCA - With your name. If you do not, we are not obligated to process your email.


How long will it take?

Once we receive your information we will conduct an internal investigation. This may take up to 2 to 4 weeks to complete, however, you will receive a confirmation email from us sooner.

What if I don't own intellectual property?

The process we have in place is for intellectual property rights owners or an authorised representative acting on their behalf. If you are not either of these, you won't be able to report to us through this process. However, we would still like your help by getting in touch with legitimate rights owners who hold intellectual property rights and encouraging them to contact us about initiating a DMCA request.

What if I think the right full owner made a mistake in reporting my novel?

If your novel was reported and you believe it was in error, contact the right full owner directly to have the report retracted.