Dear Readers,
It has been brought to our attention that someone is manually updating this novel on Novel Updates. You may think this is helpful. It is not. We would like to ask that person/people to please stop this action immediately.

Why are we not currently updating any of our novels on NU?

For two very good reasons:

  1. Our translations are being stolen by people from another site via Novel Updates.
    The concept of fan translating is a very grey moral area already. We currently ameliorate this by having no ads, no paywall locking and no requests for donations. We simply ask that you purchase the raws, thus supporting the author. This site is funded out of pocket, as is the time for translating and editing. The people that are stealing our content have ads and donations, despite claiming to be 'free' whilst using our hard work to make money. They are practicing the type of despicable behaviour that is the cause for many translators stopping their translations or for locking them down behind requests for proof of purchase of the raws. Plus, you know, having your work stolen really sucks.
  2.  Concerns regarding the new international platform of [unnamed] company.
    After a recent announcement by a certain platform, many translation sites responded by password encoding, locking down content or stopping translations. We have tight security, so we have chosen to remain as is for the convenience of our readers. Part of this is not updating on Novel Updates.

Yes, we are positive it is not one of our team here at Peach Blossom Codex who is updating.
Yes, we are positive someone is manually updating, as security on this site prevents the NU bot from accessing information.

Unfortunately, if the updates on NU continue, we will have to consider certain measures regarding this novel and which may extend to the site in general. We'd much prefer to keep going on as we have, translating novels we love and promoting them and the amazing authors to a wider audience, but we are prepared to take action to stop our hard work being stolen.

Thank you for your support and understanding! We'll be back to our regularly scheduled updating shortly.

The Peach Blossom Team 



  1. Krista Thorn

    Hi! First of all, thank you for translating this wonderful novel! Secondly, do not hesitate to take drastic measures if necessary. The one who copied you will most likely ignore your kind warning since they already don’t respect your work or rights. Sometimes it’s not even a person, just an automatic bot. We, readers, definitely don’t like people like them and we would understand and support your decision to protect your translations. As you said, many translators found out about this kind of “stealing” recently. If this helps, those translators have created teams like Discord and share the password for the locked chapters there in order to avoid this issue. Some of them even change their passwords weekly or monthly so as to confuse the bot. I hope this will help you somehow!

    • Sahloknir

      Thank you for your support! It truly means a lot. I’m a reader, as well as an editor and translator, and I agree with you. Readers do appreciate and support us immensely, which is why we’ve tried to keep the site as accessible as we can. Thank you for your suggestion. We have plans for a Discord server, we’re refining it right now to make it super user friendly. The site grew much faster than we anticipated, so we’re playing catch up. 😀

      • Vas

        Thank you so much for your hard work. As an ex-fan translator myself, I can understand how frustrating it is to have your translations stolen and reuploaded. Please take any measures necessary for you to protect your translations. I will keep on supporting you~

      • Krista Thorn

        I am glad you are making a Discord! This will help you a lot, because it has many functions, like an update schedule, recruiting translators/editors or informing your readers. If you want, you can write your signature or note somewhere in your translation in order to inform this is a stolen translation if it’s found elsewhere. I am not sure how novel updates work but informing the issue to them might help you track down the copier(at least I hope there is someone monitoring this website)

    • kristina

      Wait oops I can’t read. Just saw the part about security preventing the NU bot. However, something to consider doing is locking your chapters behind a password that is only accessible to the community.

      • Sahloknir

        Thank you again, and yes, we are considering this along with other measures. We prefer to make it easy for readers and while grabbing a password isn’t all that hard, it’s still a bit annoying for everyone, especially if they have limited free time or are on mobile (cell phone). We are working on our Discord server so the password thing is definitely an option.

    • Sahloknir

      Thank you. We’re aware of this. The NU bot cannot auto-update from this site as our security is too powerful for it. [Insert jpg of flexing muscles] 😉 😀

  2. LicoLico

    Sad to see this note :< I hope situationwill be better soon… As always, thank You for Your wonderful work and all novels You bring for us! Waiting for Your Discord and hope You won't have to use drastic mesures. Take care, stay healthly and drink a lot of water!
    PS. I think most of us, if not all, do not mind if you put some ads on the Your website~ It is always an extra income for You ^^

  3. VuReadsBooks

    Sorry to see that someone’s doing this/this kinda situation’s a thing – but, thank you for your hard work, and looking forward to a discord (and a password or something similar is thankfully not that hard for people to use, if it comes to that).

  4. NiKoCat

    Thank you so much for translating this novel, it was a wonderful experience reading it and I am so sorry for your experience. Although I might have seen those type of people before (that time I had no idea about Copyrights- I mean I was like 10y/o reading villainess theme novel). I appreciate your website very much and thank you so much for all the fan-translation that you did these years. I will try my best to buy all the original chaps (my wallet- _ :(´ཀ`」 ∠):_)

    • NiKoCat

      P.S I also have seen translators who translate book, novel for free without ads deleting their website. That day I checked their translation (ARML) and it was Thursday morning, I went let’s finish this job to quickly enjoy it in the evening only to find that they have already delete the website before I knew it. I was so sad, I cried river of tears that were made of blood in my hearts

  5. Muggelschmuggel

    Sad to hear that but also sadly not surprising since there are a lot of people out there who give a sht about the work of others (even if fan translations are kinda illegal too, if they don’t have the consent of the author haha ^^°).
    But I still hope for you guys that it will get better soon and am still just immensely grateful for all you’re doing. Thank you! (シ_ _)シ

  6. Tuvabia

    This is horrible to hear! I hope that this matter will be fixed in the near future and that they will stop uploading the content that is on this wonderful website. Thank you all for working so hard to give us the best translations! This is my favorite place to go when I want to read a novel!

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